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To: Ed Miliband, Labour Party Leader


This campaign has ended.

REPRESENT the millions of UK supporters of progressive and 'old' Labour values - ending Austerity, following an urgent Green agenda, stepping back from supporting militarism in favour of diplomacy - and make public and private moves with Nicola Sturgeon, Natalie Bennett and others to enable a Labour-led coalition to set Britain on a fairer saner greener path.

Your stated refusal to do so in favour of letting back in Cameron's Bullingdon Club Tory government (with or without UKIP) would be a disaster for the UK, and an unforgivable rejection of a unique opportunity to alter this country's path for the better. It would also signal not just that you would be finished in politics but that Labour would be severely punished in the way Nick Clegg and the Lib-Dems are being.

Why is this important?

Dear Ed Miliband, though the right wing media and the Tory party directly have pushed hard to drive a wedge between a hung-Parliament Labour Party and the SNP, and you yourself have publicly spoken against this in inexplicably strong terms, we British citizens from a wide range of parties, and even more people from none, who share broad 'old' Labour (not Tory-lite 'New Labour') and progressive green humane values call on you to GRAB THE OPPORTUNITY TO REPRESENT THIS REAL BRITISH MAINSTREAM, AND WORK TOGETHER WITH THE SNP, GREENS AND OTHERS TO LOCK THE TORIES OUT OF GOVERNMENT.

Britain cannot stand 5 more years of demolition of all we value most in this country:
- 'Private Profit, Public Cost': the ideological dismantling of the welfare state into private crony hands (even many MPs have snouts in the trough) must be reversed.
- The American model of a privatised NHS and other public services is a disaster that only serves a wealthy elite and leaves citizens dangerously unprotected, Guarantee a Public NHS for perpetuity.
- Green Action Now: stop the dangerous fracking cash-grab and tackle the fossil-fuel lobby
- Internationally: Britain must be able to act Independently of the US, work for Peace and Diplomacy rather than supporting further wars, and reduce the elite-enriching proliferation of arms and insecurity.
- The Undemocratic Power of the Media spreading a false and corrupting impression of public consensus (on issues like war, immigration and the NHS, say, let alone the SNP!) must be challenged, not bowed down to: how can people, let alone politicians like yourself, begin to make the right decisions for this country when the information we are fed and peer-pressured to keep in line with is squeezed into such a narrow right-leaning frame.

Ed, there is a rare opportunity for Labour to form a progressive alliance with a range of sane progressive parties - SNP, Green and others - to achieve all these things and keep Cameron and his Eton chums out of No. 10.

Please find the courage of your convictions to rise above the fake consensus scare-mongering of the 'mainstream' media and listen to and represent all of the Anti-Austerity and Humane Real Mainstream in England, Wales, N Ireland and, yes Ed, Scotland.

Act now publicly and privately to start building the right bridges with SNP, Greens and others for all our futures in this country.



2015-05-06 11:37:58 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2015-05-05 13:23:24 +0100

500 signatures reached

2015-05-02 16:59:15 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-05-01 16:35:18 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-05-01 07:07:26 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-04-30 16:53:23 +0100

10 signatures reached