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To: David Cameron

End the killing in Ukraine

Propose a peaceful solution in Ukraine based on the models of Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland and Scotland

Why is this important?

A nation trying to retain its identity and borders has to realize eventually that it cannot own and rule a significant unwilling minority. Once it has bombed and shelled that minority, and 6000 have died, the game is over and there is no way back to friendship and cooperation. It can remain a running sore like so many of the hot spots in the world or sub divisions can be proposed and negotiated that will bring peace.
I suggest that a UN supervised referendum in each small region of the whole of Ukraine should be a part of the solution. The eastern areas should be able to opt for union with Russia or other alternatives and the people of the Western region should be able to renounce their claim to rule the East.
I believe the 96% majority in the South of Ireland who renounced their claim to the North played a significant role in bringing peace.
Please find a peaceful and lasting solution based on the wishes of people, not politicians.

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2017-01-16 22:27:41 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-05-26 16:39:05 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-01-23 21:39:10 +0000

10 signatures reached