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To: BBC Gloucestershire

Ensure All Parliamentary Candidates Represented at Stroud BBC Election Debate

Make sure that all 6 candidates for the Stroud Constituency are represented at the only live BBC debate that will take place in the constituency during the election.

The Six Candidates For Stroud Constituency:

Conservative: Neil Carmichael

Green: Sarah Lunnon

Labour: David Drew

Liberal Democrats: Adrian Walker-Smith

MyStroud (Independent): Rich Wilson

UKIP: Caroline Stephens

Why is this important?

This is the most high profile pre-election event taking place in the Stroud constituency; and has a huge potential impact on the decisions listeners to the programme will take at the ballot box.
Just as it was essential to have all seven candidates represented at the national debate. It's vital that all six candidates for the Stroud constituency are represented at this event. As is happening at many of the other equivalent BBC events around the country.
By not giving all candidates the same platform the BBC are undermining the fairness of the election in Stroud.
Stroud District

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2015-04-14 11:14:12 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-04-13 17:02:42 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-04-11 07:43:30 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-04-10 14:02:20 +0100

10 signatures reached