10 signatures reached
To: The media
EU referendum details required

I would like the media, TV mainly, to give us a true picture of the pros and cons of the EU. Why can we not get a full picture along the lines of what we get in this country and what we can get when in any of the European countries.
Why is this important?
We are about to face one of the biggest decisions that we will come across in the next 18 months and we have no idea as to the reason why we should support or not the exit from the EU. As far as immigration is concerned we are told that we cannot limit welfare payments in the country for immigrants, but if we work abroad what are we entitled to in the other country. I am old enough to have been able to vote to join the EEC, but we have not had a say when it comes to the EU. If the commission was elected then I may have more faith on Europe, currently appointments, "jobs for the boys".