To: Tesco Supermarkets

Fill the food banks - every little helps

Allow and find a way to ensure that those both with and without Tesco clubcards have the option to gift / donate the clubcard points for their shopping to benefit their local food banks.

Why is this important?

Austerity and hardship affects so many in the UK today and that number is growing. Whilst the efforts of Tesco and other big retailers to support those in need of food banks is welcome (through collection points and other initiatives), offering shoppers the opportunity to gift / donate their 'points' to the local foodbank (and in the event of those who do not have a clubcard, to by default donate those unclaimed points) could really boost their supplies.
Good for the food banks, good for the customers of Tesco and good for Tesco too! Non-political, humanitarian, community spirited and much needed. Especially in the run up to Christmas.
