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To: Walsall Council


I want Walsall council to provide free parking for shoppers.

Why is this important?

This year I got my first parking fine. Two letters arrived for eighty five pounds each. I heard for from various Managers on the Crown Wharf in Walsall that there is fifteen minutes grace, but when you are shopping it is very difficult to watch the clock. The first fine showed that I went over by a measly thirty six seconds, and the other one showed that I went over by two minutes. I was informed that If I paid the fines within fourteen days I would only be charged fifty pounds each. As I earn close to minimum wage I was gutted, but I gritted my teeth and paid them within fourteen days. Because of this awful situation it has spurred me on to instigate this long overdue petition.
Other places in the Midlands have FREE parking, like Bentley Bridge, Merry Hill and Bilston!
The twenty four hour Tesco in Walsall has two hours parking if you spend five pounds in the store. A staff member on the till told me that a customer recently said to her, 'After I did my shopping I wanted to have a meal in the café like I used to, but I wasn't able to as I would have gone over the two hour limit, so I had to eat elsewhere'.
This week I spotted a car with a parking ticket on the windscreen in Walsall town centre. I was just about to take a photo to illustrate my petition when I heard the doors unlock. I saw a woman approaching me, I asked her if this was her car. It was, so I informed her that she had a ticket and she said in a disappointed voice "I wasn't long." She was happy for me to take the photo.
We all need free parking in Walsall. This would be good for business! Customers could shop until they drop instead of always looking at their watches and then running to put money into the cash cows! Please sign this Petition. Thank you.
Walsall West Midlands

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2020-10-21 16:40:00 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-01-28 20:51:06 +0000

10 signatures reached