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To: David Cameron PM and Tim Yeo MP (Chair of Energy & Climate Select Commitee)

Global Climate Change

Dear David Cameron PM and Tim Yeo MP, the best scientific minds agree that Global Climate Change, if not taken seriously, will have 'grave consequences' if not acted upon now!
As our Government Leader I would like you to make this one of your highest priorities and lead by example, to tackle this issue now!

Why is this important?

To date no country has actually made any serious attempt to reduce our Greenhouse Emissions.

The Secretary of State and the Minister of State for Climate Change are currently attending the Doha Climate Conference.

I received this email by the Department of Energy and Climate Change(DECC) today
6th Dec 2012 and it states the following...

Yesterday Ed Davey has pledged £2 billion of new British aid money for projects to encourage green projects in the developing world. Each UK household will contribute £70 to schemes to tackle climate change in the developing countries before March 2015 under plan championed by the SoS. The SoS said the money should be spent because “climate change is a global threat and with every passing year, the nature and the extent of that threat grows clearer. We also recognise that the world’s poorest will be hit hardest by the impact of climate change and we need to help communities adapt to these changes.” He has warned that international efforts to cut carbon emissions have been excessively slow during the opening day of the UN climate conference in Doha. He “completely agreed” with an assessment made by Lord Stern that the world was being recklessly slow in combating greenhouse emissions.

The 'world is being recklessly slow' is very clear, if we do not reduce our Carbon Emissions and reduce the effects of Global Warming, NOW... the outcome will be very grave! There are huge numbers of scientific reports, which support this and they are all outlining the importance of dealing with Climate Change!

We 'ordinary people' therefore have an opportunity, to force our Leaders to begin tackling this most serious of all issues. Handshakes and verbal agreements are only useful, if action is taken.
The reality is, nothing has been effectivley taken. Most ordinary people blindly believe everything will be fine. Our Leaders will sort it out!
The facts state differently. The Kyoto Protocol with all its important intentions, has actually made no impact. Sincere intentions but with no actions!

We must all realise that this World is our home. For human advancement to continue, we absolutely must look after it!
So my plea is simple, do some research, and you will see an enormous amount of well researched journals by scientists stating the enormity of the task required to reduce our Greenhouse Emissions, is huge.

This is our opportunity to ask our leader David Cameron, to take this issue on with the priority it deserves. To take this issue to other global leaders... but this time, to get an AGREEMENT which globally can be overseen officially, by independent scientists, showing that the countries involved, are genuinely meeting their Greenhouse Reduction Targets!

Without this, there is no effective way foward!

I am not going to exagerate the problems associated with Climate Change, the evidence is all to clear..Flooding! Droughts! Famine! etc, etc.
It's pretty obvious, it's just a question of where we each indivdually prioritise the effects of the dangers of climate change. For me it's at the highest level of importance.
If you agree...
Will you please sign this petition so that we can ensure our Prime Minister David Cameron and Tim Yeo MP for Energy and Climate Change, hears our concerns.

How it will be delivered

Email the signatures.


2013-08-29 16:58:33 +0100

25 signatures reached