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To: Boris Johnson

Governments £200 Debt Scheme for UK

I urgently ask that you step in for us the Uk as a collective, and prevent Rishi Sunak imposing the unwanted debt for the sum of £200 to each and every UK household, over the last 2 years of the pandemic poverty has risen dramatically, people are having to have to choose to heat their homes or eat, and now all these dramatic price hikes, these prices are the highest in Europe by a significant amount. Therefore you are all causing even more poverty that is completely unnecessary. We as the people have Human Rights and one of them is “Freedom of Choice”, right now your infringing not just on one but on many.
I urge you to act fast in preventing this moving forward, or you will be guilty of causing even more unnecessary distress, illness, poverty and rise in suicides.
You should be helping people get back on their feet after the last 2 years not make living unaffordable.

Why is this important?

We need to stand together and prevent the chancellor Rishi Sunak from enforcing the £200 electricity debt. We all have human rights and by enforcing this he is as well as the government breaking them. Our utilities are the highest in Europe by a significant amount, so let’s say NO 2Gether



2022-05-11 21:05:16 +0100

10 signatures reached