100 signatures reached
To: Rt Hon Philip Hammond, Foreign Secretary.
Help the Yazidi People In Iraq

Please influence the international community to intervene and help the 40,000 Yazidi people (25,000 are thought to be children) stranded in the mountains in Iraq. These people are surrounded by ISIS and have no access to food or water. This is a humanitarian crisis.
Why is this important?
On Sunday the town of Sinjar in Iraq fell to ISIS. This is home to the Yazidi people. (The Yazidi are an ancient people with distinct religious beliefs. Citizens of this religion are peaceful people who acknowledge all principles and humanitarian values and respect all religions,) Many of the people fled to the mountains to escape. They are now surrounded by ISIS, who have cut off any routes of escape. Many are thought to be children. Many have already been killed. We need to offer them support. This is a race against time to help these people. International communities need to act immediately.
You can email Philip Hammond here: [email protected]
I have set up a just giving page if you can help financially. I have chosen Christian Aid as they are one of the few charities on the ground at the moment. Please visit http://www.justgiving.com/owner-email/pleasesponsor/sally-newing-iraq
You can email Philip Hammond here: [email protected]
I have set up a just giving page if you can help financially. I have chosen Christian Aid as they are one of the few charities on the ground at the moment. Please visit http://www.justgiving.com/owner-email/pleasesponsor/sally-newing-iraq