20,000 signatures reached
To: All MPs
Clean Up Politics - Sign an open letter to MPs

We are asking the Government for three things:
- Stop lying in politics
- Demand respectful debate and say no to abuse
- Reform the House of Lords
- Stop lying in politics
- Demand respectful debate and say no to abuse
- Reform the House of Lords
Why is this important?
Our political system is not working because it doesn't put people first. Public trust is at an all time low and discriminatory abuse of people in politics has got worse.
These problems can only be fixed if we work together. We need to show the Government that the British public wish politics to change and make it better for everyone.
Please sign our open letter to MPs
Dear Members of Parliament,
These problems can only be fixed if we work together. We need to show the Government that the British public wish politics to change and make it better for everyone.
Please sign our open letter to MPs
Dear Members of Parliament,
Our political system needs repair, and we, the British people, are paying the price.
- 76% of people worry about government corruption.
- Only 6% believe voters influence the government.
- A record 45% say they "almost never" trust politicians to prioritise the nation over party interests.
- 83% of BME MPs report that racist abuse affects their work.
This can’t continue! We must Clean Up Politics before it’s too late. That’s why we the British people are calling on EVERY MP to sign a pledge to:
✅ Stop lying in politics - distrust of politicians makes people less likely to vote or engage in politics.
✅ Demand respectful debate and say no to abuse - threats and discrimination of politicians puts people at risk and undermines democracy.
✅ Reform the Lords - the House of Lords is unrepresentative with 700+ Peers, 71% men and an average age of 71. Unaccountable with no democratic oversight.
✅ Demand respectful debate and say no to abuse - threats and discrimination of politicians puts people at risk and undermines democracy.
✅ Reform the Lords - the House of Lords is unrepresentative with 700+ Peers, 71% men and an average age of 71. Unaccountable with no democratic oversight.
It’s time to turn over a new leaf and that starts with each and every MP saying they’ll back the pledge to Clean Up Politics today.
Members of the public