To: City of Westminster/WCC


Photo by Danist Soh on Unsplash
Get rid of your disreputable, reckless and hazardous electrical contractors *Oakray Limited* and replace them with a more reputable, qualified and safer company. 

Why is this important?

I speak as a tenant of Westminster City Council - to which my landlord had hired a notoriously reckless and dangerous electrical company {{OAKRAY LIMITED}} as their contractor (6 years ago, approx). And there is *no doubt* that the landlord was *fully aware* of how *bad* this company actually are, due to their widely known reputation and very low customer ratings. But yet, despite this, they still hired them. And it is clear that they hired them for just the *ONE* reason only - that they were the {{{CHEAPEST}}} option available - because they have {{{NOTHING ELSE}}} going for them. All they ever do is cause {{{DAMAGE}}} with every job they do around the area, and then a more reputable company has to come out and *fix* their damage and blundering everywhere they have been. 
By now It has gone way beyond a joke, but yet the council *still insists* on *keeping* them and are also *defending* them regardless of *anything* they do wrong. And they *refuse* to see *reason* - hence Oakray still continues to run amok.

However, more {{{SHOCKINGLY}}} they (WCC) have this policy (which I have witnessed within a written document) that they do not investigate on their own *criminal activity*!!! And even the police cannot investigate them either. Plus most lawyer's firms don't want to know (it's an insane situation). 

This awful/rotten business with Westminster's involvement with *Oakray* first began when the Government made a decision to implement electrical safety checks to Council tenants to which landlords had to comply (by law). But obviously the Council did not want the *expense*, which had resulted in their hiring this wretched company *Oakray*, due to their *cheapness*. Following this, the *worst* thing happened - they came to my flat (back in 2018) for the purpose of doing a *safety* check, but all they did was just rip out the Earth-connection from my circuit-board and run - which was the most *dangerous/lethal* thing to do within an AC electrical supply. This resulted in a *reverse-polarity* (otherwise known as a hot-neutral-reverse) of my electricity supply, in which everything was running haywire and my boiler was also shorted out - which left me without heating (in the freezing cold of winter). And I am battling a chronic illness/disablement. And so this was a nightmare. They came to do a *safety* check and turned my flat into a {{{DEATHTRAP}}} (it was perfectly safe before they entered). And the landlord had left me in this *dangerous* situation for {{{FIVE MONTHS}}} before fixing this damage. And I only survived this danger through *LUCK* alone - not any help/assistance from *them*!!! In this case what was done to me was *criminal*, on the part of all concerned. 

I did in-fact submit a formal complaint at that time (well within their time limitation) but it was *evaded* and swept under the rug. And I was not given any *redress* nor *justice* for all the *misery* I was put through, plus I could quite easily have lost *my life*. But much later when I tried to push forward with my complaint, they used the *excuse* that it was outside of their deadline - even despite the *gravity* of this case.

However, if this experience, alone, wasn't horrid and unpalatable enough, the problems I am having with Oakray have not gone away, and still continue to this day - eg, for all these years down the line, since then, they have been going into the electrical intake cupboard on the ground floor of my communal block and had ripped out my TV ariel connection, on *numerous* occasions - with the last incident being less than a fortnight ago. But yet WCC don'tgive a damn.

The situation is that whilst they have reckless *Oakray* out there doing jobs and causing so much damage, *no-one* will be safe - because they are a dangerous liability and a major accident waiting to happen.     
London, UK

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