To: Minister for Local Government
How is your Council Tax spent?

Instruct all Local Authorities to be totally honest and transparent about how much of your Council Tax is spent on buying services from private contractors
Why is this important?
Every year Local Authorities spend millions of pounds of your money on the purchase of services from private companies. Any attempt to find out how much money is being spent on a specific contract under the Freedom of Information Act is denied on the basis that the information "Commercial in Confidence"
Whilst such a defence is legitimate during the bidding process,once a contract has been let then Council Tax payers are entitled to know how much is being spent on any particular contract in order to judge whether or not it represents value for money.
Please support this petition to insist that the Minister grants the powers to Local Authorities enabling them to become totally accountable to their electorates
Whilst such a defence is legitimate during the bidding process,once a contract has been let then Council Tax payers are entitled to know how much is being spent on any particular contract in order to judge whether or not it represents value for money.
Please support this petition to insist that the Minister grants the powers to Local Authorities enabling them to become totally accountable to their electorates