To: Parliament.

Implement Minimum Wage and Personal/Travel Expense Policies for Politicians and Ministers

1. Implement a policy to place Members of Parliament (MPs), Prime Ministers (PMs), and Ministers on a national minimum wage. This measure aims to ensure that elected officials are more closely aligned with the economic realities faced by the general population. By subjecting them to the same wage standards, it seeks to foster greater empathy and understanding of the challenges faced by ordinary citizens.

2. Proposal to mandate Members of Parliament (MPs), Prime Ministers (PMs), and Ministers to cover their own expenses and travel costs. This measure aims to promote fiscal responsibility and transparency in government spending. By requiring elected officials to bear these expenses themselves, it seeks to curb the excessive use of public funds and ensure accountability in the use of taxpayer money.

Why is this important?

I, like many of you, have seen the disconnect between our politicians and the reality of life in our state. The very individuals who are meant to serve us seem to be exploiting their positions for personal gain. This is why I am calling for a change in how we compensate our MPs, PMs and Ministers.

No state can exist without its population; it's the people that make a state thrive. Yet, it seems that those elected to represent us have lost touch with this fundamental truth. They use their positions as a means to an end rather than serving the interests of those they represent.

By introducing these policies in our state, we will ensure that those who govern us do so with first-hand knowledge of what life is like on an average income.

There must be no divide and no disconnection between the state and its citizens. It is time we held our politicians accountable not only through votes but also through policies that reflect reality rather than privilege. Please sign this petition if you believe in creating a more equitable system where one cannot rule over another without understanding what their life is like.
United Kingdom

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