To: Chiss

In real meetings at gaming events for all staff and players( PAX, Insominia etc.)

Create meetings in real life at gaming events for all staff and players. This allows us as players, staff and community to establish an actually community. This doesn't need to be the owners in particular but allowing staff , Trainees, mods and SR mods to represent Mineplex and meet up with players. Establish that complete connection. For example I for one know theres a lot of staff from the UK and it would be great for us to meet players, fans and for us as staff to meet, find out more, establish actual friendships and represent Mineplex as staff.

Why is this important?

This allows us as players, staff and community to establish an actually community. We all can meet up, find out more about those who we work with and play with and finally connect that final missing bond for us to meet and establish proper friendship.
