10 signatures reached
To: MPs
Introduce a housing model for homeless in the UK, same as Housing First in Finland
Homeless people are not told they must conquer their addictions or secure a job before being given a home: instead it is accepted that having a home can make solving health and social problems much easier.
There will be a lesser burden on the NHS, homeless will not be dying because of severe weather conditions and spiteful attacks, and once they are settled, they will get a job and eventually become self sufficient.
If Finland can achieve this, why can't we do the same?!
There will be a lesser burden on the NHS, homeless will not be dying because of severe weather conditions and spiteful attacks, and once they are settled, they will get a job and eventually become self sufficient.
If Finland can achieve this, why can't we do the same?!
Why is this important?
No one should sleep rough in a country like ours, every effort should be made to ensure homeless people are treated humanely and are given a chance.