To: Metropoltion polce

Justice for kyle

To have a new investigation into kyles death,please make this happen.

Susan Bastable started this petition to West Midlands Police

Kyle was killed on birchley island nearly two years ago,the police took  a nine minute statment of the dpd lorry driver david hadley which he was classed as a wittness, to killing a young lad.The family watched footage from a dash cam which clearly showed kyle and his friend crossing at the traffic lights together, the dpd lorry had to go through five sets of traffic lights before reaching them. He was doing 22mph - 17mph -19mph going round the island which corespondes with what a witness says they heard a bang and the driver sped up after hitting kyle dragging him 38 meters before stoping and the only reason he stopped was because people where blarring the horn at him, another witmess thought he had a blow out.In the drivers statment  he was never asked if he saw kyle but admites seeing his friend, at the inquest the driver and the leading investigater said he was doing 35mph round the island. A local resoloution showed this not to be true, the police told the family there was no camera and cctv evidence, the local resoloution showed there was cctv and camera evidence which would have shown everything,why would the police hide this from the family. The police decided not to interview all the witnesses as they believed the driver saying he only saw his friend. Evidence and witness  say different at the local resoloution the police got more learning for there lies and faults althrough  the whole off the investigation and the coroners inquest and some officers refused to comment.PLEASEHELP

Why is this important?

Kyle deserves a new investigation,if everyone could sign and share to make this happen thank you
