Petition is successful with 172 signatures
To: Lincolnshire County Council
Keep free school transport for Grammar School pupils in Lincolnshire.
UPDATE: 8/6/16
We've won.
Thanks to your support the County Council have backed down and free grammar school transport is safe for at least the next 2 years (see below).
Councillor Mrs Patricia Bradwell, Executive Councillor for Children's Services, said:
"Having considered the detail of the Task and Finish Group report and the comments and feedback of the Scrutiny Committee, I have decided to keep the current policy as it is with a review in two years' time. Then, the financial climate may be a lot better and give us more scope for change. As it is we are looking at having to make substantial savings which does not give us the flexibility to make changes – any proposed changes would incur further costs on the council. The current grammar school policy is lawful and being administered correctly and while some students will benefit while others won't, it does provide good support for many students who wouldn't otherwise be able to access grammar education. The important thing is for all pupils to have access to good schools, whether grammars, comprehensives or academies, around the county."
Once again, Thank you, you've down our children proud