100 signatures reached
To: St Philip’s, Dorridge & St James’, Bentley Heath, PCC (Parochial Church Council) Lay Chair, Colin Revans and Vicar, Duncan Hill-Brown.
Keep Noah’s Ark Playgroup (Bentley Heath) Open 3 Mornings each week

Keep Noah’s Ark Playgroup in Bentley Heath open 3 mornings a week. This ‘Outstanding’ Playgroup has and continues to play a pivotal role within the Bentley Heath, Dorridge and Knowle communities.
Why is this important?
Following the imminent re-development of St Philip’s Church Dorridge, and their subsequent relocation of groups to the St James’ site at Bentley Heath, lettings and storage space has been identified as a major problem.
To alleviate the problem of storage and hall usage, and following discussions regarding the needs of St Philip’s and St James’ Churches, Noah’s Ark Playgroup were initially asked to vacate the premises by the end of July 2018.
Having failed to find any suitable alternative premises in the local area, Noah’s Ark Playgroup would have been forced to close.
However, following extensive negotiation between the Church PCC, Noah’s Ark Trustees and Staff, a compromise solution has been reached for now.
From September 2018, Noah’s Ark Playgroup will remain open for two mornings per week, namely Monday and Tuesday.
The PCC will review the situation by December 2018 at the latest, and advise Noah's Ark if they need to find alternative accommodation for the academic year 2019-20. This is a outcome many want to avoid.
Noah’s Ark Playgroup has been providing a loving, nurturing, learning environment for children from Bentley Heath, Dorridge and Knowle for the past 15 years.
Noah’s Ark Playgroup Trustees and Staff have undertaken what they can. It is our turn as parents and carers who have, are and intend to utilise, this ‘Outstanding’ Playgroup, to let our voices be heard and show our support for Noah’s Ark Playgroup, Staff and Trustees.
Please will you sign this petition and write letters to:
PCC Lay Chair Colin Revans
Vicar Duncan Hill-Brown
Highlight what a pivotal role Noah’s Ark Playgroup has played for the last 15 years and continues to perform today. In blessing and encouraging families through their ‘Outstanding’ (Ofsted 2016, 2009) provision within the Bentley Heath, Dorridge and Knowle communities.
If you know of families in the area who plan to attend Noah’s Ark in the future. Ask them to contact Noah’s Ark today, to reserve their place as spaces are limited.
For those families not using their full 15hrs of Government Funding. They can spread their funding across different providers. Please contact Noah’s Ark asap to sign up for the Summer Term, a few spaces are currently available.
Noah’s Ark Playgroup can be contacted on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between 0815hrs - 1300hrs, via email and telephone.
[email protected]
T: 01564 772113
Together we can make a difference and help keep this amazing Playgroup open for the next 15 years.
Thank you for your time and support.
To alleviate the problem of storage and hall usage, and following discussions regarding the needs of St Philip’s and St James’ Churches, Noah’s Ark Playgroup were initially asked to vacate the premises by the end of July 2018.
Having failed to find any suitable alternative premises in the local area, Noah’s Ark Playgroup would have been forced to close.
However, following extensive negotiation between the Church PCC, Noah’s Ark Trustees and Staff, a compromise solution has been reached for now.
From September 2018, Noah’s Ark Playgroup will remain open for two mornings per week, namely Monday and Tuesday.
The PCC will review the situation by December 2018 at the latest, and advise Noah's Ark if they need to find alternative accommodation for the academic year 2019-20. This is a outcome many want to avoid.
Noah’s Ark Playgroup has been providing a loving, nurturing, learning environment for children from Bentley Heath, Dorridge and Knowle for the past 15 years.
Noah’s Ark Playgroup Trustees and Staff have undertaken what they can. It is our turn as parents and carers who have, are and intend to utilise, this ‘Outstanding’ Playgroup, to let our voices be heard and show our support for Noah’s Ark Playgroup, Staff and Trustees.
Please will you sign this petition and write letters to:
PCC Lay Chair Colin Revans
Vicar Duncan Hill-Brown
Highlight what a pivotal role Noah’s Ark Playgroup has played for the last 15 years and continues to perform today. In blessing and encouraging families through their ‘Outstanding’ (Ofsted 2016, 2009) provision within the Bentley Heath, Dorridge and Knowle communities.
If you know of families in the area who plan to attend Noah’s Ark in the future. Ask them to contact Noah’s Ark today, to reserve their place as spaces are limited.
For those families not using their full 15hrs of Government Funding. They can spread their funding across different providers. Please contact Noah’s Ark asap to sign up for the Summer Term, a few spaces are currently available.
Noah’s Ark Playgroup can be contacted on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday between 0815hrs - 1300hrs, via email and telephone.
[email protected]
T: 01564 772113
Together we can make a difference and help keep this amazing Playgroup open for the next 15 years.
Thank you for your time and support.