100 signatures reached
To: Edinburgh council
Let's get a safe crossing at Clermiston Primary

Most schools in Edinburgh have somewhere safe for the children to cross the road. At Clermiston Primary, there is nowhere for the children to cross the road safely. Partly because there is no lollipop person or crossing but also because of selfish drivers who think its acceptable to park or drop off in prohibited areas.
The council have restricted the immediate area around one of the entrances but this has caused a major bottleneck where the other half of the school enter. Cars are parked on both sides of the busy road, on the pavements and on zigzags. I find it hard crossing safely as an adult, but for a school child ( who is maybe not as aware) its an accident waiting to happen.
The council have restricted the immediate area around one of the entrances but this has caused a major bottleneck where the other half of the school enter. Cars are parked on both sides of the busy road, on the pavements and on zigzags. I find it hard crossing safely as an adult, but for a school child ( who is maybe not as aware) its an accident waiting to happen.
Why is this important?
There have been a lot of near misses with pedestrians, I witnessed a cyclist being knocked off his bike at school pick up time. I have seen numerous car accidents (all be it minor ones) which could of been a child. I think campaigns to get parents to use their cars less has failed and unfortunately some people are still being selfish and parking in forbidden zones. An area to cross safely away from the chaos will potentially save a child's life. Let's get as many signatures as possible to tell the council that we want and need a crossing!