500 signatures reached
To: London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Make 111–113 Mellish Street E14 8PJ Community Centre an Asset of Community Value

We want Tower Hamlets Council to make 111 – 113 Mellish Street Community Centre, E14 8PJ, an Asset of Community Value and allow a Community Asset transfer and/or Community Right to Reclaim Land so that we can have the Community Right to build a new permanent community centre.
Why is this important?
Mellish Street Community Centre has been a central part of The Isle of Dog since the NHS built it in 2005, in one form or another. The building was left as a legacy by the NHS to the Community and today it is used by a local charity named the Docklands Community Organisation(DCO) which is a consortium of a host of Voluntary organisations all based on the Isle of Dogs. The organisation provides a host of activities but not limited to: youth groups, after school supplementary education clubs for local school children, fitness classes, adult education, health education, gardening projects and much more.
It is important that Tower Hamlets Council recognise and support its status as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) so that it cannot be sold on for unsympathetic other uses without the community knowing and first having the chance to buy it. Granting Mellish Street Community Centre as an Asset of Community Value status gives the local community the time it requires to raise the funds required to save the centre.
The Centre was left derelict for number of years. Residents from the local community invested over £70,000 to bring it to a habitable state and have been maintaining it.
In addition, the ACV registration should be taken into account when planning applications on the building are made and can be grounds for refusal where this would strip the building of its use or result in demolition.
Community centres such as the Mellish Street Community Centre play a pivotal part in community life, providing activities and a focal point for the community. Among the benefits that come from activities in community buildings are: less social isolation, healthier living, more education and better training, better support for young families and the elderly and access to local democracy.
Mellish Street Community Centre serves an important purpose for the local community and we will do everything we can to save it.
This petition is asking Tower Hamlets Council to grant ACV status to the Mellish Street Community Centre, to give us, the Isle of dog’s community, the time we need to raise the funds to save the community centre, for us and for our children.
We also seek the Council to grant the Docklands Community Organisation to enter into a long lease and seek a Community Asset transfer and/or Community Right to Reclaim Land so that we can have the Community Right to Build a new permanent community centre with ancillary provision to meet the needs of Islanders within the meaning and spirit of the Localism Act so that the site can be developed at no cost to the Council.
It is important that Tower Hamlets Council recognise and support its status as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) so that it cannot be sold on for unsympathetic other uses without the community knowing and first having the chance to buy it. Granting Mellish Street Community Centre as an Asset of Community Value status gives the local community the time it requires to raise the funds required to save the centre.
The Centre was left derelict for number of years. Residents from the local community invested over £70,000 to bring it to a habitable state and have been maintaining it.
In addition, the ACV registration should be taken into account when planning applications on the building are made and can be grounds for refusal where this would strip the building of its use or result in demolition.
Community centres such as the Mellish Street Community Centre play a pivotal part in community life, providing activities and a focal point for the community. Among the benefits that come from activities in community buildings are: less social isolation, healthier living, more education and better training, better support for young families and the elderly and access to local democracy.
Mellish Street Community Centre serves an important purpose for the local community and we will do everything we can to save it.
This petition is asking Tower Hamlets Council to grant ACV status to the Mellish Street Community Centre, to give us, the Isle of dog’s community, the time we need to raise the funds to save the community centre, for us and for our children.
We also seek the Council to grant the Docklands Community Organisation to enter into a long lease and seek a Community Asset transfer and/or Community Right to Reclaim Land so that we can have the Community Right to Build a new permanent community centre with ancillary provision to meet the needs of Islanders within the meaning and spirit of the Localism Act so that the site can be developed at no cost to the Council.