10 signatures reached
Make Binders Readily Available on the NHS

have binders readily available on the NHS
Why is this important?
The trans community have suffered a lot over generations, and one of the issues is the price and accessibility of binders. Binders are usually sourced online at a high price rate because of the shipping and manufacturing, as well as most of them being made in America. This makes it significantly difficult for working class or unemployed trans men to find a cheaper alternative for their wellbeing. Binders are sold on Amazon and Ebay at lower prices, however in my experience, they are not very reliable and well made. I believe that as a gender non-conforming individual who uses binders myself, we should not have to pay for something that helps us feel more comfortable and helps with d***horia. Waiting lists for surgery for the trans community is very long and can take up to a certain amount of years. Surely, there should be a free service that helps until the surgery is finalised. Some trans people choose not to have surgery and that is completely their choice, but they should have access to good quality, free binders on the NHS that they can use everyday and feel themselves. If they can fund sexual health, then they can fund mental health. I believe that giving this opportunity to the trans and non-binary community will promote intersectionality, benefit mental health, and may even save lives.