To: UK Government

Make it illegal for computer and mobile programs and apps to gather unnecessary information

We want the UK government to pass a law making it illegal for providers of programs and applications for computers, tablets, PDAs and mobile phones to request, seek permission (such as in End User Licence Agreements), obtain, store, vend or use any information from the user or their device that is not necessary for that program or application to perform it's advertised function for the user.

We also want the UK government to petition other nations to pass a similar law or to make this an international law.

Why is this important?

This is important for privacy and security and to prevent spying, the formation of a big brother state, the sale of such information or use of information to gain unfair market advantage. It should be noted that if information is taken or permission obtained for information to be taken which is not necessary for the program or app to function, then it must be taken for some other purpose not advertised to the user and presumably not for the user's benefit.