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To: HM Treasury and the Government

Make monarchists pay for Elizabeth’s £46m memorial

We, the taxpayers, are expected to pay £46 million for a memorial to Elizabeth. The money is desperately needed for better causes. Crowd fund the memorial and spare us overburdened citizens! 

Why is this important?

Charles' Coronation cost at least £72 million. Elizabeth’s funeral cost £162 million. The Royal Finances Report shows we lose £510 million to the monarchy every year and now we, the taxpayers, are expected to pay £46 million for a memorial to Elizabeth. 

Enough is enough. This money is desperately needed for better causes - hospitals, schools, housing and more.

If the monarchy is as popular as certain media outlets make out, then let monarchists pay for the memorial. As loyal and devoted subjects, why wouldn't they be able to raise that much? 

Crowd fund the memorial and spare us overburdened citizens!
United Kingdom

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