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To: Patrick Grady, MSP Glasgow north

Make voting in all UK elections/referendums compulsory

I would like my local MSP to lobby parliament to debate the issue of making voting compulsory in all UK elections/referendum

Why is this important?

Having lived through the recent referendum on Scottish Independence and last weeks referendum on membership within the European Union I feel our current democratic system is seriously flawed. I would like to see a move towards making it compulsory for everyone eligible to vote in a referendum or an election having to exercise their democratic duty. In order to ensure that each individual has had an opportunity to exercise their right I would like to see the inclusion of a "none of the above" box in each ballot paper, thus enabling those who do not wish to opt for the options availabe to still vote. I am aware that this system works successfully in other countries around the world. I think given recent events and the current political climate it is time to make a change to how we elect representatives, time to make changes to our political position in the world. I believe that making voting compulsory will ensure a fairer, more representative outcome.



2016-07-02 18:43:19 +0100

10 signatures reached