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To: Derek Benson, Chair of Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board

Demand Worcestershire Safeguard Board investigate Cardon's Death

We want WSAB to reverse their decision not to investigate Cardon Banfield's death. Cardon was left to rot and decompose because the right service was not aware of him. Maggs Day Centre didn't pass on information about Cardon to the right people.

The investigation should cover the systematic failures by the Local Authority's Housing Department like cutting the comprehensive Outreach Team 3 months prior to Cardon's body being discovered. The investigation should ask CCP to justify why their Outreach Team did not find Cardon and probe Maggs Day Centre into revealing why they didn't share information about Cardon when he visited the Centre before his death.

According to Mr Benson, the case doesn't meet the criteria for a Safeguarding Adults Review - but our independent analysis shows that it does.

Why is this important?

This is important because a 74 year old gentleman was left to rot and decompose in a tent, on the bank of the River Severn in Worcester over the summer of 2016. Cardon Banfield came over with the Windrush community and was let down by the state in his final days.

In a report by Worcester City Council, it was found that lessons can be learned from the death of Cardon. Councillor Lynn Denham stated that we should learn these lessons - and the undersigned believe we can only do that with a Safeguarding Adults Review.

The Worcester City Council-funded CCP service (which the taxpayer pays £240,000 a year for) should have found Cardon's body. Help get Justice for Cardon, hold the right people accountable and stop another tent death happening on our streets again.

How it will be delivered

This petition will be delivered to Mr Benson via email, and subsequent agencies that sit on the Adults Safeguarding Board. We aim to get media coverage for the petition too.


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2017-07-09 18:22:36 +0100

100 signatures reached

2016-12-21 02:22:15 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-12-21 02:19:53 +0000

Thank you to all who have signed so far. Your voice will go towards getting Justice for Cardon.

The fight for what is right is not over yet - please keep sharing this petition and getting your friends, family and colleagues to sign.

Our Twitter is @HugosEarthquake and the dedicated website to this Campaign is

Thank you and please share this petition link on your social media and email now!


2016-12-19 23:54:58 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-12-19 16:28:50 +0000

10 signatures reached