To: parliament

Members of Parliament to be paid same as lowpaid workers

Reduce UK MPs salaries to the level of the national minimum wage, with differentials for ministers, MP etc based on average differentials for forepersons, middle and senior managers.

Why is this important?

So that MPs are not cushioned from the effects of their decisions ,so they fully understand the problems of low income citizens not just in theory but in direct practice,to give them an practical incentive to improve the lives of the UK.s lowpaid worker, to eliminate careerist /opportunist MPs from our Parliament(I.e those who enter parliament for selfish monetary motives ,or as a stepping stone to careers in the media ,business or the eurocracy),to end the divide between the political elite and the working class of people which is so corrosive to our society,and which leaves the way for unscrupulous demagogues, non democratic ideologists,etc to flourish.,and in many countries has led to extreme political violence. Such a measure would purge our parliament of the selfish
