To: NHS Managers, Bank of England

NHS to make demand upon BOE for funding

We the undersigned do herein make known that we consider it entirely lawful for the Managers of the National Health Service to amongst themselves; hold tribunals & then to issue the relevant writs/orders to the Governor of the Bank of England so as to ensure funding so as to treat those in need

Why is this important?

The Governor of the Bank of England has an obligation to ensure the supply of money is there for when it’s actually needed!

Neither the NHS or the BOE is intended as political, it should be therefor without any sort of need of justification from politicians possible for the NHS Managers at law to seek cash for whatever the NHS needs are,

According to the constitution; it should be common consideration that the NHS Managers are form of working Peers (like an olde Barons committee) and they are with constitutional powers that do not require Downing Streets oversight,

And as far as law is concerned it is lawful for the NHS Managers to draft the lawful notices / demands to the BOE to fulfil in good conscience, without delay and in accordance with the constitution to maintain the peace of the realm, to ensure the law (including sealed peace treaties such as from perhaps as far back as 1215) is upheld and so people can be treated as necessary and to ensure good health in their body or mind,

and so that no man, woman or child shall be in effect done a tort/neglect by an inept or incompetent government-in-disarray which seemingly has lost its head at sea;

and so us simple folk who are grounded in truth, here in Britain; England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland or the United Kingdom don’t consider it a necessary lawful prerequisite in accordance with the constitution for the NHS managers to go to say a Treasury Minister or Health Minister… in-fact; we consider it is a repugnant behaviour for NHS managers to not go directly to the Bank of England, and this declaration shall be used by NHS managers as an empowerment for them, we do not consent to any Treasury MINISTER or any-one else to attempt to with-hold funds or to have a monopoly and to then be able to use that monopoly to inflict unjustified punish upon the people by politicising whatever reason they have not to save a child, to treat the wounds physical or psychological of people in good time, free at the point of need,

By signing / giving your assent to this declaration; you make known with sincerity and in a solemn way that you consider it is truthful and appropriate, and not something repugnant (political) for NHS Managers to write to the BOE directly to extract necessary funds & You also make it knowing that as far as creditor of the system; you uphold your right as creditor & as beneficiary to grant the NHS Managers/NHS Trusts to go directly to the Bank of England, that you give “consent of the governed” to put aside any potential Government political (and cruel) agenda, for the sake of the crown and country, but more importantly to please the Almighty the most merciful the most beneficent and you declare solemnly so you will let no man or thing do anything to frustrate your lawful will & that you swear any-one who neglects the issue of adequate funding of the NHS is a tyrant and doesn’t represent the will of the people and is devoid of consent of the governed and that anyone else who does not work towards ensuring the funding of the National Health Service is either a victim, incapable or a criminal, and if a criminal that someone who is breaching our peace and who has to be held accountable under the law and even if He were a Minister or Governor or President or whatever… He/She/They should be held accountable,

You voluntarily without compulsion make your sincere will made known in this open forum now and forever and that you pray by the Almighty that sense is restored; that equity is upheld and that people are not dying needlessly or waiting weeks, months, years to be healed, to have illnesses or concerns considered

you hereby seal/sign by the Almighty as your witness this declaration and command/demand that all relevant whatever positions be put on notice and to fulfil the will so help us Almighty,

How it will be delivered

This medium shall serve as lawful public notice/a declaration of the will of the consent of the governed
