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To: Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, The Rt Hon Douglas Alexander MP, The Right Honourable The Lord Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon

Say No to Israeli Plan to Annex the West Bank

On Monday 1st September the UK government publicly condemned the decision by the Israeli Government to unilaterally annex 400 Hectares of the West Bank.

We require that the UK Government now set out a date by which that policy must be withdrawn - after which it will seek international support for action against Israel that is at least equal to that imposed against Russia (for its annexation of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine).

We also request that the Foreign Office seek confirmation from the Yesh Atid Party that it will withdraw its support for the Netanyahu led coalition - as promised by Finance Minister Yair Lapid on 9th June 2014 - should the Israeli government proceed with its annexation plan.

Why is this important?

Just a few weeks ago the World watched in horror at the brutal offensive conducted by at the Israeli government against the inhabitants of Gaza.

Thousands of civilians were either killed, wounded or traumatised. Essential civilian infrastructure - power, water and sewerage systems - all paid for by international aid programmes, were targeted and destroyed.

The reaction of Western governments on that occasion was muted. It took the outrage of Western citizens to shake them from the fence. As a result the military campaign became increasingly counter-productive and Israel had to pull out.

Now Prime Minister Netanyahu has decided to exact a further price on the Palestinians. He has announced his intention to annex 400 hectares of the West Bank, for the building of illegal settlements.

This despite the announcement in the Knesset on the 9th June (three days before Gaza exploded) that the Yesh Atid Party would quit the unity government should Netanyahu make any such annexation attempt.

On this occasion, to its credit, the UK Government have been far quicker to make clear its opposition to the plan.

But what will be our reaction if Netanyahu ignores both us and his own coalition partners and proceeds with the annexation? What prospect then for a two state solution based on mutual respect and security?

In these circumstances, we would like the UK Government to take firm action. Action consistent with that applied in respect of Russia's annexation of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. ie the introduction of sanctions.

If it isn't, the double standards that we have applied to Israel over the past 70 years will continue a. to blight those discriminated against indigenous peoples made refugees in their own land; and b. enhance a tragic narrative that has and will continue to radicalise generations of disaffected Muslim's the world over.

Act now and sign this letter petitioning our leaders to stop this annexation.

How it will be delivered

Deliver them to the Houses of Parliament


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2014-09-30 11:42:13 +0100

17 days to go before Israeli Army moves to enforce it's annexation of West Bank 'Area C'. 17 days for West to set out a clear sanctions policy against these provocative and illegal seizures. 17 days to write to your MP, sign our petition, share it and pass it on before the bloodshed starts again. If we don't stop the ethnic cleansing, how can we deny the Palestinian's right to defend themselves?

2014-09-07 10:50:04 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-09-05 10:45:59 +0100

10 signatures reached