To: the govenment

Private Finance Initiative

To look more closely into the fine detail of PFI (that is the reason many hospitals are facing huge cash problems). The contracts use data protection to prevent scrutiny of payments inside the vast and complex pfi contracts. Government's will not approach this matter as 1) they were responsible for the implementation of these ridiculous clauses within the contracts. 2) both labour and conservative were involved so they both keep quiet.

Why is this important?

As these contracts run for up to 35 years, the tax payer is held to pay up. As most hospitals are funded this way, we will be left with vast payments to private companies who built (at 4x the cost) and run (at over inflated costs eg £900 to change a light bulb) and the actual care to patients will (and is suffering) to for fill these payments. The Net is littered with examples of its continued us in government: e.g.