To: Companies

Petition to Protect Blog Owners from Negative SEO Attacks

The Goal: To eliminate the risk of negative SEO

Why is this important?

The Problem: Negative SEO is the practice of using Google’s penalty system to attack your search competitors. It’s an unethical practice that’s against Google’s webmaster guidelines, but thousands of attacks take place every day, putting the search rankings of innocent bloggers at risk.

Negative SEO is only possible thanks to Google’s penalty system. Competitors can use the penalties to ‘attack’ their opposition by manipulating the backlinks going to their opposition’s domain in order to land them a penalty. This is a terrible practice that needs to stop, and the responsibility falls onto Google to stop it.

The Solution:

Google needs to better protect ethical website owners and bloggers from negative SEO by changing their algorithm. Web owners shouldn’t be penalized for black hat SEO carried out by their competitors. If Google can’t sufficiently distinguish intentional black hat link building from fake negative SEO attacks, they should cease handing out SEO penalties for them immediately.

Website owners will then be able to rest easy knowing that their ranking potential on the SERPs can’t be sabotaged by their competitors. Website owners can find out more about how to better rank for their target keywords on
