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To: Coventry & Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group (CRCCG) and Coventry Council Leaders

Privatisation of Coventry GP Out of Hours Service: Stoney Stanton Coventry Walk-in-Centre

We call upon our Coventry & Rugby Clinical Commissioning Group (CRCCG) and Coventry Council leaders involved in the retendering process of the Coventry GP Out of Hours Service to respond to this petition; requesting them to stop the privatisation of this service which is currently run by the NHS Trust ā€“ CWPT which is handing back the contract at the end of May 2018 to the CRCCG. We want to see this service remain in public hands ā€“ financed and controlled by the NHS, not a private financed company and for NHS staff contracts to remain protected.

Why is this important?

This another important service to Coventry people that is stealthy been made private. This service is vital to local people but also needs to be kept public and not fall into the hands of private companies such as Virgin or Care UK. In a city of over 300,000 people the GP Out of Hours Service at the Stoney Stanton Walk-in-Centre is essential to help stop our local A&E departments being overwhelmed. Please take the time to sign this important petition which we plan to hand into the CRCCG by the end of May. Many thanks from all at Coventry Keep Our NHS Public (COVKONP) campaign group.
Coventry NHS Walk-in Centre, Stoney Stanton Road, Coventry

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2018-04-24 13:15:27 +0100

100 signatures reached

2018-04-23 07:33:48 +0100

50 signatures reached

2018-04-22 21:52:57 +0100

25 signatures reached

2018-04-22 21:09:34 +0100

10 signatures reached