Petition is successful with 11,863 signatures
To: NHS England
Protect Cancer Care in Cornwall
We are delighted and relieved to hear that the decision has been taken not to take certain cancer and combined chemo/radiotherapy treatments out of Cornwall*. Many people have been campaigning for this to happen and we are so glad that being able to mount a petition via 38 Degrees helped to boost their numbers considerably. It is so important to exert our right to a say in matters of such great importance to us all, and taking part in petitioning, consultations and - where necessary - demonstrations is a vital part of our democracy. People power matters and it works!
Thank you to the 38 Degrees team for helping us to play our part in this way
All good wishes
*NHS England met with Cornish MPs at Westminster yesterday (March 27). While it is still reviewing the feedback, MPs say that it has “assured MPs that the proposals will not see services being moved out of Cornwall”.