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To: national and local government

re-assign funding to child and adolescent mental health

make sure that every young person that needs support for a mental health issue is able to access it.

Why is this important?

The pressures faced by children and teenagers now are more harsh than ever. The pressure to succeed in a failing school system, the pressure to get the best GCSE and ALEVELS, family pressures, and children who have an intrinsic mental health concern, all these pressures have increased, and the support services that would enable a child to access support have not only stayed static, but in many cases have reduced in size. Last year 800 children aged 11 and under needed treatment in a and e for injuries caused by self harm, each week there is news of another teen suicide, or an autistic child that cannot receive access to a vital service, this needs to change, and fast, before a whole generation is lost. This vital service can no longer be a Cinderella service.

How it will be delivered

we need to lobby government at all levels! petitions will be emailed and released to the press!


2017-01-10 07:36:54 +0000

500 signatures reached

2017-01-09 07:17:57 +0000

100 signatures reached

2017-01-09 05:57:37 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-01-09 02:27:48 +0000

25 signatures reached

2017-01-09 01:01:23 +0000

10 signatures reached