To: NEC Group

Reduce/eliminate plastic at concerts

I want arenas/big concert venues to reduce/eliminate their plastic use and instead invest in JUST water for vending machines which are water bottles packaged in 100% recyclable materials and make reusable water bottles available for purchase in venues with water refill stations around the buildings,eliminating plastic water bottles and cups.

Why is this important?

This is important because we are in a climate crisis right now and we need to go to dramatic lengths to stop the damage we are doing to the world. Knowing there are such simple changes we can make right now to lower our plastic use and they’re not being done is something I find quite weird,I’m 18 and what’s happening right now honestly terrifies me because it’s my future that’s being taken away from me,I’m fighting for change everyday as are millions around the world and I think this needs to be done now. The amount of plastic you see covering the floors after a concert is ridiculous and all of it is single use,the majority of it doesn’t even end up in the recycling bin,by making reusable water bottles available,they can be used 1000s of times and not just thrown away/on the floor when empty. I couldn’t walk 1 step when I saw Shawn Mendes in April this year without treading on a plastic cup,the arena floor looked horrific as everyone cleared out without taking their rubbish,it makes me so sad to see what we’re doing to this planet. We need change and we need it now. This is such a small but well needed change that we need to implement now.
