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To: St. Helens Council

Refugees Welcome in St Helens

Offer to house at least 5 refugee families

Why is this important?

Refugees are, by definition, people who have been made homeless through no fault of their own (as opposed to economic MIGRANTS who choose to move).

You will have seen photographs of Aylan, the toddler who drowned fleeing Syria. He was just three years old. His town was under attack by Isis. His five year old brother and his mum also died trying to reach safety.

Yet our prime minister is being very choosy about who he lets in to UK. He has said ‘we won't take any more refugees’. He thinks that most of us don't care. But St. Helens should show that it does care. The town may be starved of resources, but let us share what we do have - it is far more than the refugees have! We don't want St Helens to be the kind of town that turns its back as people drown in their desperation to flee places like Syria.

So let's stand up for Britain's long tradition of helping refugees fleeing war. Let's show the Prime Minister that we, the people of the UK, are proud to do our part and provide refuge to people in their hour of need.

Please sign and share, or start your own petition for your town here:
St Helens

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2015-09-09 19:21:33 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-09-05 12:37:47 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-09-04 23:52:01 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-09-04 20:20:41 +0100

10 signatures reached