To: The Rt Hon. James Brokenshire MP, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government

Regulate funeral firms and the role of local authorities in funerals

Regulate funeral firms and require full disclosure from them and from local authorities about which entity is responsible for funeral costs.

Why is this important?

At a vulnerable time families, especially the poorest, are pushed into 'death poverty'. It is not necessary as body disposal is not their responsibility. Funeral firms should be regulated and should provide a nationally standard statement to potential customers, making them aware they are not responsible for funerals. Local authorities should oversee this and provide statutory information about responsibilities for funerals.

'Many families left behind end up in debt as a result of funerals' according to the Independent. The average price for a cremation now stands at £3,596 and £4,561 for a burial. Prices are increasing at four times the rate of inflation. With unregulated operators, and local authorities keeping quiet about this, there is no compulsion for full disclosure to let families know they need not incur 'funeral poverty'.
