To: The Government

Regulations For The Use of Escooters On Public Roads and Pedestrian Walkways

To regulate the use of escooters on Public Roads and Pedestrian Walkways. To introduce laws for escooter use. That escooters are used in a way that protect motorists and pedestrians. That escooters used at night time must have lights so they are visible. That users of escooters must pass a government safety awareness course to legally be able to use them. To enforce the use of helmets by escooter users.

Why is this important?

This is important to protect motorists and pedestrian safety.
These escooters are silent and appear out of nowhere at very high speed.
These scooters are increasingly being used by young adults with no regard for road safety.
Many have no lights and driven at night are impossible to see on the Public highway.
Many users of escooters drive them with reckless abandonment from pavement to road with no regard for safety.
Regulating the use would protect motorists from killing or seriously injuring an escooter user at night time and daytime.
Would protect members of the public encountering high speed collisions on the pavement.
Would make sure users are aware of the law in regards to using the public highway.
These individuals who use these escooters do not have to have any training to use them, no theory tests to be able to protect them and road users. There needs to be a law that protects the public.
