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Reject corrupt Johnsons' buddy list

Boris Alexander de Pfeffel Johnson has made a career out of lying, deceit and underhand dealings.
He has been sacked for it in pretty much every job he has ever had and yet again is jumping before he is pushed.
Therefore as a disgraced ex PM who resigned over the same sort of criminal behaviour, his list of cronies/ friends/ business associates and sponsors should be revoked NOW for the farce that it is.
None of these chancers deserve a sniff of power and are as corrupt as him. They certainly DO NOT deserve praise, thanks or honouring of any description. This blatant abuse of the system, by a liar and cheat such as Johnson for the good of the old boy network should be revoked and discarded IMMEDIATELY.

Why is this important?

Because I'm sickened to the back teeth of corrupt liars being rewarded for propping up the most shambolic, self serving government in living memory. Nominated by a lying charlatan who has no moral compass at all. Hardly someone to be trusted to bestow honors on anyone



2024-05-05 13:20:27 +0100

10 signatures reached