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To: The Prime Minister

Remove Matthew Hancock from his position of Secretary of State for Health and Social care.

I would like the Prime Minister to remove Matthew Hancock from his role of Secretary of State for Health and Social care. He is clearly not listening to the people that are most important during this Pandemic.

Why is this important?

Matthew Hancock has not helped to protect the NHS as he is there to do. He has accused the NHS staff of overusing PPE which is atrocious and is now refusing to apologise for this blunder! The NHS staff as well as many other frontline services are not over using PPE, they are not being provided with enough PPE for the demand and even at best it is likely ineffective PPE putting those that are needed most at risk!
Our Prime Minister has just got out of hospital and is very thankful to the staff for helping him. He can prove his gratefulness by looking at what the Secretary of State for Health and Social care is saying to those in health and social care regarding PPE and do something about it. We need these people more than ever and they are all being put at risk because of him! Let's do something about this now!



2021-06-25 16:39:05 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-04-12 20:16:25 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-04-12 19:21:47 +0100

10 signatures reached