2015-01-22 14:52:17 +0000
To: Lancashire County Council
Residents parking scheme in Carnforth
stop spending money on peace meal double yellow line schemes that will not be enforced and create a safer environment for the residents of Carnforth in and around the town centre and train station.
Why is this important?
Over a number of years the air quality, road safety and quality of life have been negatively effected by the ever increasing traffic flow and visitor numbers to this lovely part of England. Unfortunately, due to Carnforth being on the border of Cumbria and having a relatively small populous, the needs of the residents have been overlooked for a number of years. The need for a residents parking scheme has been proven, but Lancashire County Council constantly push those residents that have been asking for a scheme on a merry-go-round of being fobbed off and quoted that other areas are more important.