To: Board of bank and loyal customers

Retain the Royal Bank of Scotland heritage and name

The Royal Bank is one of the oldest and well established banks in the world tracing back to 1700's. Proposed change of group name to Natwest is wrong on a number of counts.

Why is this important?

The brand of Royal Bank whilst tarnished by events is far better known, recognised world-wide by all. The Natwest brand on the contrary has less than 40-50 years history and caused many of the problems which tarnished RBS image.
The decision has more to do with corporate lobbying and is not reflective of history, heritage or moving forward with pride and passion. The Royal Bank of Canada has not considered such an audacious step and has not suffered from a similar brand identity issue.
There are many past employees and customers who will be appalled by this move and when the Natwest joined the RBS family there was a positive welcome by the teams.
