50 signatures reached
To: Brinklow Parish Council
Road Safety in Brinklow
Work with Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire Highways to provide a safe pelican crossing on Coventry Road and on Broad Street to ensure all residents can safely walk around the village. To also provide traffic calming measures to reduce the excessive speeds which drivers use through the village, particularly along the straight stretch on Coventry road towards Coombe Abbey.
Why is this important?
To ensure the safety of all pedestrians, particularly the children. About 1,500 children under the age of 15 are killed or seriously injured on Britain's roads each year. Research has also shown that many children cannot safely cross busy roads until the age of 15 without using a pedestrian crossing. The children of Brinklow need to be able to play out, call on friends, learn to be independent in as safe an environment as we can provide for them. Additionally our village is popular with walkers/ramblers, we have residents with mobility aids and wheelchairs who would also benefit from these improvements. The Community Speed Watch had proven that excessive speed is a real issue and if no measures are put in place the liklihood of an accident is very high.