10 signatures reached
To: The Prime Minister
Save Safeline's Survivor Helpline for male sexual abuse/violence due to gov cuts

We are asking that the £250,000 funding cut, be reinstated for the National Male Survivor Helpline at Safeline by the government and to stop further cuts to vital charity services. Otherwise the helpline will close.
Charity number 1070854.
Charity number 1070854.
Why is this important?
"Established in 1994, Safeline is a specialist charity that works to prevent sexual abuse and support those affected to cope and recover.
Our Vision is that everyone affected by or at risk of sexual abuse should feel supported and empowered.
We empower survivors to make choices about the lives they want"
Safeline has two helplines. The National Male Survivor Helpline is telephone support dealing with sexual abuse or sexual violence to males. Without the £250,000 the helpline will close. The helpline will give meaningful support to thousands of males. It is a gateway to other services such as counselling and therapeutic services thus empowering people in a non judgemental and believing environment.
Safeline has two helplines. The National Male Survivor Helpline is telephone support dealing with sexual abuse or sexual violence to males. Without the £250,000 the helpline will close. The helpline will give meaningful support to thousands of males. It is a gateway to other services such as counselling and therapeutic services thus empowering people in a non judgemental and believing environment.
How it will be delivered
Social media and 38 degrees