To: Nathan Bostock, Chief Executive - Santander UK

Santander - Stop Banking on the Bomb

Stop investing in nuclear weapons.

Why is this important?

Santander currently invests $1,675 million (US) in nuclear weapons. *

Of the weapons of mass destruction that humankind has been confronted with, we have succeeded in outlawing biological and chemical weapons. Yet we have still to ban nuclear weapons although we know that it is the most destructive weapon invented so far.

There are companies driving the industry and if the investment funds for them are cut off we will have struck a blow for a nuclear weapon free world.

Financial institutions, by adopting public policies prohibiting investment in the nuclear weapons industry, actively demonstrate the stigma associated with these weapons of mass destruction.

Institutions can and do decide to ban investments in the nuclear weapon industry, and that policies in the financial sector are an important contribution to the global debate on nuclear weapons.

* From -

How it will be delivered

I'll take it into the UK head office of Santander
