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To: Kirklees Council

Save Cemetery Road Allotments, Huddersfield

We only went and WON our judicial review! So for now, the plots are safe!

Many thanks for all your support. Read all about it here:

BBC Look North TV news piece here:

We the undersigned demand that Kirklees Council save the much loved Cemetery Road allotments from being bulldozed.

Please help us preserve Huddersfield’s natural heritage and protect the allotments by rejecting any proposed development of the site.

Why is this important?

Academic research makes clear the social, mental and physical well-being benefits provided by community green spaces. In addition the Public Health Agency has identified numerous benefits of allotments to the community, including the promotion of good mental health, physical activity and nutrition, as well as the encouragement of social interaction. Our plot holders come from many different cultural backgrounds and some have been on the same plots for 35 years and feel that they are too old to start afresh.

for more information:




2017-09-27 23:03:27 +0100

10 signatures reached