500 signatures reached
To: North Hertfordshire District Council
Save local playgrounds in Letchworth & Baldock
We call on the Council to provide and maintain the playgrounds in Ivel Close, Baldock and in Letchworth, Linnet Close, Jackmans Recreation Ground and Oaktree Close.
Every avenue should be explored to save our playgrounds from the risk of closure outlined in the Council's plans.
Every avenue should be explored to save our playgrounds from the risk of closure outlined in the Council's plans.
Why is this important?
If the plans go ahead, treasured spaces to play will be lost.
Children’s play is a right not a privilege: the loss of local playgrounds would be to the detriment of our children’s health, safety and their happiness.
These spaces are also used by parents and grandparents.
You can read about the Council's plans to close the playgrounds here:
Hertfordshire Mercury: Plans to axe North Hertfordshire play areas criticised: https://link.38degrees.org.uk/plans5e32
Children’s play is a right not a privilege: the loss of local playgrounds would be to the detriment of our children’s health, safety and their happiness.
These spaces are also used by parents and grandparents.
You can read about the Council's plans to close the playgrounds here:
Hertfordshire Mercury: Plans to axe North Hertfordshire play areas criticised: https://link.38degrees.org.uk/plans5e32