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To: Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP and Brighton and Hove CCG

Save Meadow Parade Doctor's Surgery

To guarantee the continuing presence of a doctors surgery at Meadow Parade after the planned spring review.
To restore surgery hours to two surgeries per day.
To continue to provide a full service for local people.

Why is this important?

Local doctor's surgeries are being closed at an alarming rate. This has happened at short notice, and with no consultation with patients. This denies us access to a local surgery. Meadow Parade surgery will only be open in mornings from now on, with a review in spring which may lead to it closing altogether, leaving NO doctors surgery in Rottingdean. The nearest will be in Saltdean, which is difficult and inconvenient for local people, especially the elderly and infirm, to get to.
Rottingdean, Brighton

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2018-08-18 08:39:05 +0100

The CCG have agreed that the surgery will close and it seems that this will happen at the end of August 2018.This leaves little time for patients to make new arrangements, and none of the suggested arrangements to make patient access to Grand Ocean Surgery,Saltdean have been implemented.Thanks to all of you who supported this petition.

2018-08-11 07:08:55 +0100

The surgery has now been reduced to three days a week at short notice and has no nurse available so you may be redirected to Grand Ocean Surgery Saltdean when calling for an appointment.We still await CCG decision on the future of the surgery.

2018-07-25 08:09:28 +0100

Final consultation at Our Lady Of Loudes Church Hall Rottingdean.Weds August 1st 6.30-7.30.Please attend-we need as many as possible.Thanks Andy.

2018-07-13 23:44:32 +0100

Saltdean & Rottingdean Medical practice are proposing the imminent closure of the GP surgery at Meadow Close. A consultation meeting is to be held on Thursday 19th July at 10am in Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall in Steyning Road. If you use the Meadow Parade surgery then please do come along to listen to the reasons for the proposed closure and to say what you think about this possible major change to our GP provision in Rottingdean.

2018-07-10 09:43:10 +0100

From a trusted source! " CCG will be at Rottingdean (Meadow Parade Surgery) between 9 - 11 tomorrow, I think it is instead of a public meeting."

David Supple and other CCG reps said that a public meeting would be arrannged for Rottingdean,this seems to be another fudge following the choatically organised meetings at Woodingdean Methodist Hall.This is obviously not a public consultation and patients have not been given notice about it.
It is quite essential that you turn up for this if at all possible to challenge it's legitimacy, and push for the promised public meeting.
I will be there from 8.45am tomorrow with placards etc.but I really need your support.I know it's short notice but Ithink you will agree that this kind of behaviour is despicable and needs to be challenged.

2018-07-03 22:59:53 +0100

At the first consultation evening there were 31 patients present.We did a poll of those wanting to hang on to a local surgery and those who felt OK about travelling to Saltdean.The result was 30-1 in favour of retaining Meadow Parade.I showed this result to David Supple chair of CCG.

2018-07-02 07:52:53 +0100

At the first "consultation" meeting last Thursday,David Supple chair of the CCG assured me that there will be another meeting arranged to take place in Rottingdean.We need a really big turn out there.This is because of the poor administration in delivering the doctors application letter to patients.Watch this space for details of that meeting.

2018-06-29 11:21:59 +0100

The fight goes on despite closure threat.

2018-06-27 07:53:21 +0100

Hello All
I'm desperate for bodies to come and stand with me outside The Methodist Church Hall,the Ridgeway,WoodingdeanBN26PA,tomorrow 28th June from 2pm.
The meeting has been organised by the CCG as consultation following the application by Meadow Parade doctors to close the surgery.
At the Patient Participation Group meeting last night it became apparent that many patients have still not received the letter about this meeting which means that even if they receive it today they will only have had 24 hours notice or less.
This process is an attempt to rush through the closure with minimum consultation and is a disgrace and a shambles.(The practice only applied to close on 15th June!)
I will also have the petition board and signs.we now have 14 hundred signatures against closure.
Thanks Andy.

2018-06-25 15:04:15 +0100

Lloyd's letter part 5
If we truly cannot save Meadow Parade, then I shall be pushing to ensure that the developers who will be overseeing upcoming housing developments locally make financial contributions to allow for a continued Doctors presence in the village, even if that means building a new surgery site altogether. The increase in population that will be brought by new housing will increase the need for a surgery in Rottingdean even further, so it is not unreasonable to expect developer contribution funds to go towards that end, and that is what I will push for, and I hope you will join me in that.
I hope you don’t mind me keeping in touch with you on this issue.

2018-06-25 15:03:36 +0100

Lloyd's letter part 4
It is with great disappointment then that I have learned of the practice’s application to the CCG to shut down Meadow Parade surgery altogether, despite clear assurances made to me personally on the contrary. I feel that both I and residents have been misled.
I also think this is a drastic measure. Why haven’t alternatives been thoroughly considered or consulted on, such as co-opting a space with a local pharmacy or alternative local medical facility, or giving up the site for another practice to continue to run Meadow Parade as a surgery?
I am not giving up on the fight for a surgery in Rottingdean. I understand residents’ concerns and their desire for a GP presence in the village and I will continue to make that case.

2018-06-25 15:01:56 +0100

Lloyd's letter part 3
I must reiterate that the partners made it clear they had no intentions of closing down the surgery in the short-to-medium term. One of the partners did however express that if the CCG did not grant their request to allow them to continue running it as mornings-only rather than full days at the Spring Review, he would consider early retirement. This was the message I relayed to campaigners, and this is why I supported my local Labour Party colleagues who protested outside a recent CCG meeting for the future of Meadow Parade surgery.

2018-06-25 15:00:35 +0100

Lloyd's letter part 2
I met with the Doctors who run Rottingdean & Saltdean Medical Practice and relayed the concerns of residents. They made it very clear to me that they had no intentions of closing down Meadow Parade in the short-to-medium term. They did raise concerns about the safety and viability of the site in the long-run in comparison with their purpose-built facility at Grand Ocean.
One of the partners suggested, with no clear evidence, that maintaining the Rottingdean site in the long-term would deter new, young Doctors from joining the practice as they would be uncomfortable practising alone on the site. I acknowledged that there was a shortage of Doctors both locally and nationally, and that in the long-term there were genuine concerns about recruitment, but did not agree that the Rottingdean facility was relevant to this.

2018-06-25 14:58:53 +0100

Here is Lloyds letter in 5 parts.
Letter from Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP part 1

Meadow Parade Letter

I am writing to you as someone who signed a petition regarding the Meadow Parade surgery’s future, directed at me and others. I too signed said petition as I have been fighting this cause on your behalf.

I met with the organisers of the petition and local campaigners to discuss their concerns about the reduction in hours from full days to mornings-only at Meadow Parade.

I met with the Brighton & Hove CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) and raised residents’ concerns about the maintenance of a Doctors Surgery in Rottingdean.

2018-06-25 14:53:49 +0100

The CCG has made two dates for public consultation about the surgery closures.Both are at theMethodist Church Hall,The Ridgeway,Woodingdean BN2 6PA.
The first is this Thursday 28th June from 14.30-15.30
The second is Tuesday 3rd July from 18.30-19.30.
Please do your best to attend and make your views known.We especially need a big presence at the second one.
Yours Andy.