To: Supermarkets

Save our Farmers

Pay a fair and living wage to those who produce our food.

Why is this important?

We need to pay a fair and living wage to those who produce our food etc for us, we need to know where it comes from and if it is sustainable. We need local farmers who are inspired to get up at 4.00am to go and milk their cows, and carry on until 19.00, when the children have already gone to bed, and who turns out on Christmas Eve when a cow is calfing and doesn't get in until 22.00. The farmer who loves his land, and cares for it with a passion, cutting hedges, leaving borders for wildlife, going out to listen to the sounds of nature, kieeping the countryside alive for us. I care about this issue, not only because farming affects our family, but because we need to know where our food comes from and how the animals and vegtables are gown, and treated. This is a global problem, but it starts at home, we have to be self sufficient, and teach the world to be self sufficient, and to do that the large supermarkets have to respect and reward farmers, as they would their management staff.
