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To: Wirral Borough Council

Save our mature trees and wildlife

Our local community, Rock Ferry, is a high density area. It has a small patch of land with a small woodland. On a patch of ‘brownfield’ land there is a large band of mature trees with undergrowth that serves to make our community wildlife friendly and acts as a buffer to check the unrestricted sprawl of a large built-up area. If this tract of land is sold it will mean a good number of mature trees will require felling to develop the site for a bulk mass development of 102 flats and 78 houses.

If we are to save the trees, vegetation and assist the wildlife that use this band of woods, we need Wirral Borough Council to reconsider the proposed Torus development.

Why is this important?

If we lose the trees on this land we lose the living entities that filter pollutants keeping our air cleaner and soak up the tons of CO2 that contributes to Climate Change. WBC has agreed there is a Climate Change emergency and this must be taken into consideration.

Animals like foxes, bats and owls will be disturbed and made homeless as a result. If we win, the trees carry on filtering our air, the community keeps the value of its majestic tree stock and its green buffer zone and the animals have shelter and food.

There is only a short window to get signatures, but every little helps. We care about our mature trees. It is the last real tract of green belt in the area for our health and well-being and for wildlife to exist.

Please help us save our trees by signing our petition.
Thank you.

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2020-02-08 11:35:47 +0000

Update news: Have received an email informing us that the Planning Committee Meeting regarding the new development and fate of the trees and wildlife, has been scheduled for Thursday, 13th February 2020.

We will update you all with the particulars in due course. Fingers crossed for a good outcome.

2020-02-08 11:17:54 +0000

Thank you to everyone who has signed this petition. We are so grateful! In addition to the hard copy petitions we have managed to secure over 500 signatures to save out trees and wildlife. We feel certain that this petition will go someway to saving many, if not all the trees on the former school site. We hope that this will also add impetus in the future, towards saving the old playing fields and woodlands for the wildlife and for everyone else to enjoy, residents and visitors alike.

2019-11-09 17:51:54 +0000

100 signatures reached

2019-11-09 12:30:24 +0000

50 signatures reached

2019-11-08 13:45:11 +0000

25 signatures reached

2019-11-07 22:57:52 +0000

10 signatures reached