100 signatures reached
To: The Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group
Save our NHS Services in Dorset

Please do not close our accident and emergency units in Dorset. We would like to see Dorset County, Poole and the Royal Bournemouth units remain open and fully operational.
Please keep all 13 community hospitals across Dorset open, with beds available to those in need.
Please protect our maternity services and special care baby units at Dorset County and Poole hospitals.
Please do not impose further cuts upon mental health and dementia services.
Please don't tender further health services to private companies.
We call upon the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group to request a fully funded NHS service across Dorset from the Secretary of State.
Please keep all 13 community hospitals across Dorset open, with beds available to those in need.
Please protect our maternity services and special care baby units at Dorset County and Poole hospitals.
Please do not impose further cuts upon mental health and dementia services.
Please don't tender further health services to private companies.
We call upon the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group to request a fully funded NHS service across Dorset from the Secretary of State.
Why is this important?
The proposed closures will reduce the accessibility of much needed NHS services to our communities. It will put added strain on services that are already stretched. Journey times to accident and emergency units and special care baby units will be increased for some communities, putting lives at risk. There will be added strain on the ambulance service. All closures will reduce accessibility for families and friends who wish to visit their loved ones, particularly as many sites are not well served by public transport. There will be added strain on an already stretched infrastructure across the county.
Mental health services are already under funded with a shortage of inpatient beds in Dorset Psychiatric Hospitals. People have been known to have been conveyed by Private Ambulances to Private Hospitals in various parts of the country- sometimes hundreds of miles from their home, family and/or support network.
Dementia services are vital in supporting those living with the condition and their families to live as independently as possible.
Please see our website www.keepournhspublicdorset.com for further information. Join us on Saturday 15th October for a public demonstration.
Mental health services are already under funded with a shortage of inpatient beds in Dorset Psychiatric Hospitals. People have been known to have been conveyed by Private Ambulances to Private Hospitals in various parts of the country- sometimes hundreds of miles from their home, family and/or support network.
Dementia services are vital in supporting those living with the condition and their families to live as independently as possible.
Please see our website www.keepournhspublicdorset.com for further information. Join us on Saturday 15th October for a public demonstration.